“Ready or Not”

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Title : Ready or Not | Rating : 8,5/10 | Genre : Thriller, Horror, Comedy, Mystery

Directors : Matt Bettenelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett | Writers : Guy Busick, Ryan Murphy | Stars : Samara Weaving, Adam Brody, Mark O’ Brien, etc.

Hi! thank you for stopping by in this blog. So this is my very first article! *excited* So as you see the movie poster right above this article is my first highly recommended movie you should ‘really’ watch before it turns to 2020 (which means we will welcome another cool movie, lol). So for all of you who are a total ‘thriller addict‘ this movie will suit you well! Ready Or Not released on August 2019, distributed by Fox Searchlight Picture is bringing a new color and simphony in thriller world. If you have watch Wrong Turn I and II which is also written by Ryan Murphy (but way more thrilling than Ready or Not) this movie is kinda way more different and fresh. If you feel your heart so trembling when you watch Wrong Turn I and II, in Ready or Not you will also feel so thrill but in a fun way!

(ok i know it’s confusing, lol).

To make it easier this movie is a perfect mixture of thriller, horror and comedy at one. The movie was set so dark, as they uses night and kinda old big house as its time & place setting it makes the movie more thrilling. Ready or not show a newlywed couple Grace (Samara Weaving) that trying to fit in his husband family Adam ‘LeDomas’ (Mark O’ Brien), she has to fulfilling the LeDomas family tradition by playing game to ackonwledge Grace as the new LeDomas family member, yet every new member should follow the tradition by playing a game. But the game that goes with the LeDomas tradition is more than just a game, if you imagining it a ‘board game’ well it’s more than that.

This movie full with kind of classic music, board game, blood (ofcourse), a lot of comedy and if you hoping this movie filled with the ‘standard’ horror movie that provide a sex scene, well don’t expect that much. This is actually one of the thing that i like about this movie, it tells about newlywed couple but they didn’t even trying so hard to show that scene.

Not only amaze by its story and plot, i’m also amazed by the wedding dress transformation that worn by Grace, it shows how far her sacrifice to stay alive while running the ‘the game tradition’. (https://www.insider.com/how-transforming-wedding-dress-was-designed-for-ready-or-not-2019-8). Well beside the dress, ofcourse i’m highly impressed by the movie plot, in Indonesia we may called it ‘pesugihan’ when someone ask to be wealth and rich by making a deal with the devil, and this movie was ‘so called’ telling about this kinda story.

Well i don’t want to spoil another goodness of this movie, i do rate it 8,5/10 because it’s just that damn good! So you have to really-really watch it! Ready or not?

Source : YouTube

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Hi, thank you so much for spending you minutes to stopby and read my article!

So i won’t wrote a long introduction article, well for the outline, this blog will kindly posted article about movie recommendation you should watch before you have no time to watch movie, lol, just kidding.

No, but for real, the movie that i recommend you, you will regret it if you didn’t have the chance to watch it, soooo i create the article so you will watch. But if you hate a spoiler, please don’t hate me, cause this blog will kindly fill with some of spoilers 🙂

Well im not a movie specialist, but if we have the same movie-taste, maybe you would like the movie that i recommend in my article. So don’t be hesitated to subscibe to my blog to get my article updated.

Hope you enjoy, and please do comment if you have anything in your mind. See you!

Source : Pinterest